Voice Network

Audio Architects has hand-selected Professional Voice Talent who are available to collaborate with you via ISDN, Source Connect, ipDTL, Skype or Phone Patch to help share your story or product with the world.

Just click the style and sound you’re searching for and we’ll find the perfect voice for your project.  Let’s talk.

Connie Terwillinger

Warm, Real, Knowledgeable, Teacher, Characters

Connor Quinn

Real, Warm, Storyteller, Conversational, Smooth

Corey Candray

Commanding, Deep, Tough Manly, Announcer

Corey Holtzberg

Friendly, Honest, Upbeat, Fatherly, Energetic

Dan Harder

Compelling, Conversational, Powerful, Mature

Dan Hurst

Genuine, Warm, Manly, Engaging, Trustworthy

Dan Zullo

Clear, Compelling, Storyteller, Heartfelt, Authoritative

Daryl Alder

Smart, Trustworthy, Sincere, Classy, Warm

Dave Hoffmann

Believable, Clear, Conversational, Distinct, Engaging

Dave Pettitt

Mature, Engaging, Commanding, Inspiring, Powerful

DC Goode

Trustworthy, Warm, Fatherly, Manly, Cultured

Derek Chappell

Friendly, Conversational, Authoritative, Professional, Energetic

Diane Maggipinto

Authentic, Conversational, Mature, Maternal

Dick Terhune

Versatile, Witty, Sophisticated, Deep, Smooth

Donovan Corneetz

Edgy, Fresh, Hip, Real, Urban Demo

Doug Turkel

Real, Friendly, Trustworthy, Experienced, Relatable

Enrique Morales

Spanish, Sincere, Professional, Natural, Smooth

Eric Lee

Pleasant, Warm, Authoritative, Convincing

Ethan Sawyer

Relaxed, Authoritative, Friendly, Authentic