Voice Network

Audio Architects has hand-selected Professional Voice Talent who are available to collaborate with you via ISDN, Source Connect, ipDTL, Skype or Phone Patch to help share your story or product with the world.

Just click the style and sound you’re searching for and we’ll find the perfect voice for your project.  Let’s talk.

Amy Taylor-Fernandez

Spanish, Credible, Engaging, Sophisticated, Professional

Amy Taylor-Fernandez

Credible, Engaging, Reassuring, Professional

Amy Taylor-Fernandez

Spanish, Credible, Engaging, Reassuring, Professional

Amy Taylor-Fernandez

Political, Engaging, Credible, Professional

Sheila McGuill

Warm, Bright, Fun, Versatile, Professional

John Standish

Articulate, Credible, Fun, Sincere, Quirky

John Standish

Friendly, Quirky, Fun, Believable, Caring

Cathy Parsons

Smooth, Friendly, Cultured, Compelling, Sultry

Steve Lewis

Rich, Informative, Confident, Mature, Deep

Catherine Sheehan

Personable, Every woman, Adaptable, Soft, Powerful

DC Goode

Genuine, Compelling, Fatherly, Caring, Storyteller

DC Goode

Trustworthy, Warm, Fatherly, Manly, Cultured

Daryl Alder

Smart, Trustworthy, Sincere, Classy, Warm

Tom Dheere

Explainer, Smooth, Articulate, Friendly

Tom Dheere

Young, Friendly, Sincere, Energetic, Informative

Rowell Gormon

Warm, Friendly, Characters, Storyteller, Mature

Rosi Amador

friendly, sparkling, expressive, pleasing, warm, enthusiastic