Voice Network

Audio Architects has hand-selected Professional Voice Talent who are available to collaborate with you via ISDN, Source Connect, ipDTL, Skype or Phone Patch to help share your story or product with the world.

Just click the style and sound you’re searching for and we’ll find the perfect voice for your project.  Let’s talk.

Derek Chappell

Friendly, Conversational, Authoritative, Professional, Energetic

Dan Zullo

Clear, Compelling, Storyteller, Heartfelt, Authoritative

Connie Terwillinger

Warm, Real, Knowledgeable, Teacher, Characters

CJ Goodearl

Real, Conversational, Non-Announcer, Enthusiastic, Retail

Catherine Sheehan

Real, Conversational, Sexy, Sassy, Adaptive

Bobbin Beam

Warm, Reassuring, Alto, Informed, Professional

Bill DeWees

Believable, Conversational, Friendly, Energetic, Authoritative

Amie Breedlove

Warm, Sweet, Sultry, Conversational, Girl-next-door

Adam Verner

Conversational, Natural, Relatable, Smooth, Hip

Dave Hoffmann

Believable, Clear, Conversational, Distinct, Engaging

Matt Cowlrick

Believable, Warm, Fresh, Global, Versatile, Australian

Pete vonHassl

Cultured, Compelling, Professional, Trustworthy